Sunday 27 March 2011

Risk Assessment and Investment Appraisals

Risk assessment is a major part of any investment decision, as an analysis of the possible creation of shareholder wealth or value must be ascertained before subjecting to any contractual agreement. There are a few known methods of analyzing risk which are  - Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Analysis and Probability Analysis. Theses techniques are used by multi nationals and SME's in assessing risk in relation to investment. 

Published in the past week by Paul J Davies on is a write up analyzing the situation on financial management in various industry and the effect the credit crunch had on the financial risk management of firms. Financial risk management is like the maintenance of financial risk assessment, meaning - the management of financial risk ascertains the assessment carried out at the teething period of investment. The write up explains - “Lots of financial business had what they thought was an effective risk management framework in place, but the crisis showed that it did not do what it said on the tin,” says Clive Martin.

This explains why a lot of firms have fallen short of their investments as, although the investment was right and the risk assessment was well done, bad management of risk most likely creates unplanned scenarios which especially affects the capital payback period as a shorter payback will always reduce the risk arising from the uncertainty of cash flows. Therefore, problems with management can make the payback period even longer which in turn reduces the profitability of the investment.

In conclusion, currently available investment appraisal methods have disadvantages but are still credible and of good use to managers that are able to determine the best method of calculating investment opportunities. Risk assessment also has disadvantages such as time period e.t.c. but the most important aspect of risk is the management. A bad risk assessment can still be corrected with good risk management. 

Sunday 20 March 2011

Could the Credit Crunch Have Been Avoided?

The inception of the credit crunch as documented was in 2007 as a result of bad news was reported from BNP Paribas,the French organisation. Considering the background of this big event, it is fair to say that, the situation was avoidable. Although, the US government reduced it's interest rates in order to improve it's economy for far too long as expressed by Jeffrey Sachs (2008). The government had genuine reason for the interest rate reduction but the investment effect of not knowing when to sell shares applies here as the government benefited from the income generated as result of its low interest rates. Banks had too much money thereby lending to uncertified lenders, creating a domino effect which infiltrated the banking sector and the economies involved.

The loss of trust that resulted from the securitization process will make it almost impossible for confidence to be regained in the system. This explains the reason behind the slow recovery, house prices continue to drop and lenders get even more strict therefore leaving the public afraid to spend. The fear of spending is justifiable since debt is not exactly readily available as it used to be. As time goes by, analyst believe, trust will be regained in the system but this wont be any time soon as this credit crunch had a huge adverse effect on interest rates. The big question still remains though,which is could the credit crunch have been avoided?

Sunday 13 March 2011

Mergers and Acquisitions: Are they really worth it?

Mergers and Acquisitions have been going on in the business world for God knows how long therefore you'll naturally expect it to boast of glorious and happy multinationals acquiring their subordinate companies, which in reality should maximize shareholder wealth. Studies,short term and long term, show M & A activities do not exactly increase shareholder profitability of the acquiring company but definitely is a boost for the shareholders of the acquiree.

This brings me back to my initial question, is it really worth it?. In my opinion M & A is a survival strategy meaning, multinationals see this as a game and there has to be winners and losers therefore gaining market power is what puts them ahead of the game. If not, why would they add soo much wealth to the acquirees' shareholder and loose some of their own shareholders' wealth?. It's all about the market powern

A good example of this is the proposed acquisition of BSkyB by News Corp.. The share value of BskyB has increased merely since talks of an acquisition emerged  and it's still increasing. Meanwhile share value of News Corp has dropped, this just proves the point made earlier regarding the motives of M & A. In this case, it's obvious it's mainly for the market power as the reason provided by Rupert Murdoch the CEO of News Corp. was mainly the strategic important asset BSkyB offered. The asset being News Corp's penetration into the UK market as BSkyB is renowned in the region.

Bearing this in mind, although studies show the acquirers' in M & A activities tend to loose shareholder value in the long run. I believe in a situation like this where it is used as a penetration mechanism in a highly progressed environment such as BSkyB in the UK, the long run profitability are quite feasible therefore its a win win situation.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Libya Crisis: Limitations or Demerits to FDI

Recents events in Libya have caused major TNCs (Transnational Companies) to pull their staffs out of the country. This and other major activities in Libya have caused an adverse effect on crude extractors and an increase in the price of crude in the global eceonomy. TNCs in areas like Libya have one main reason to go multinational and that is the need for the raw materials the country has to offer.

As TNC's in Libya are mainly after raw materials, they must have considered the effect of importing crude from developing countries but a major impediment is the sale of know how and corruption in developing countries. As much as it is easy to transfer the knowledge of extracting crude, there are very huge investments to be made i.e. equipements e.t.c. Today in most TNCs in Africa, although legislation makes it clear that the knowledge of extracting crude must be transfered to locals and the locals must occupy a fraction of the management, corruption makes it easy for TNC's to have their own management and exclude locals of the environment.

Due to the lack of knowledge of crude extraction and the heavy corruption and the economic instability in countries like Libya, a raw material seeking multinational has no option but to invest in the country and whether through all its impediments.

Also, theories like the Eclectic Paradigm by (Dunning, 1988) which states that "A location advatage of locating a particular economic activity in a specific location because of the characteristic (neutral or acquired) of the location". This clearly supports my ealier arguement that TNCs in developing countries are there due to the natural resources extractable from the area.

Ideally, FDIs in countries like Libya should cause major developments and advancements in its economy but the major corruption issue in countries like this make it hard to spot out the advantage of FDI and when issues of this nature i.e. crisis in Libya, pops up it affects the global economy. I beleive, if these TNCs' apply the governance applied in developed countries to the activities in developing countries, major changes will be recorded and a movement of such would see developing countries emerging to the greater economy.